Learning: Assessment for Learning (AFL)

Case Study / Astudiaeth Achos

Gaynor Johnson
Creunant Primary School
Year 3/4

Strategy Used / Strategaeth a Ddefnyddiwyd

Sharing and using the learning intentions and success criteria.

Description of Activity / Disgrifiad o'r Weithgaredd

Through discussions in groups, varying/combining Year 4 children in with Year 3 so that the more able helped the less able, the pupils used the checklists with model texts to tick the criteria then used the checklists as a reference to their own writing.

Evaluation / Gwerthusiad

After working in groups, we discussed the texts. The children needed a couple of model texts to become familiar with the criteria.

I found that we needed to use the criteria as part of shared writing to help "spoon-feed" the use of vocabulary and types of words to use. The children with less ability or confidence used the shared writing as a reference to help their own work. I then printed out the shared writing to use as a book with the different types of writing inside from which the children could refer to. The children used the success criteria as a checklist once their work was finished.

However, children of Level 1 or 2 found this activity difficult as they were learning to construct sentences or sequence sentences independently.
