Learning: Emotional Intelligence

Case Study / Astudiaeth Achos

E. L. Jardine
Blaengwrach Primary School
Reception/Year 1

Strategy Used / Strategaeth a Ddefnyddiwyd

Friendship Tree

Description of Activity / Disgrifiad o'r Weithgaredd

Children take leaves prepared and made a "Thank You" message to reinforce aspects of positive behaviour. Leaves are then placed on Friendship Tree on classroom wall. Children read out message so other children in class can hear.

Evaluation / Gwerthusiad

We started with a "Sorry Box" so little ones could think about the results of their behaviour. After a while we changed this to reinforce positive behaviour.

Children enjoy writing messages for their friends and the tree becomes a very attractive and important part of classroom life.

Very successful so far, and does work in making children think about aspects of their behaviour.
