Digital DeskInclusion Links/Cysylltiadau Cynhwysiad

Hearing Impairment: Communication

Signature promotes excellence in communication with deaf and deafblind people so our vision of a society in which deaf people have full access can become a reality.

Cued Speech
A visual communication system which uses eight hand-shapes in combination with speech movements to make all the sounds of the spoken language look different. At present not in use in Neath, Port Talbot or Swansea.

Deaf Education through Listening and Talking (DELTA)
Delta is an organisation that promotes the aural approach to the education of deaf children.

British Sign Language
Learn the basic signs for British Sign Language. Includes over 300 animated words, arranged alphabetically.

Alternative means of communication based on BSL.

Language programme with a multi-modal approach designed specifically for people with additional difficulties. Information on this form of communication including access to catalogues.

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