Case Study / Astudiaeth Achos
Jason Dodd
Cwmafan Junior School
Year 3/4
Strategy Used / Strategaeth a Ddefnyddiwyd
- Think Pair Share
- No Hands Up
- Traffic Lights (Thumbs up or down instead of colours)
- Marking Ladders
Description of Activity / Disgrifiad o'r Weithgaredd
- Writing Paragraphs
- Read beginning of play-script. Discuss format as pairs. Feedback. Ask children what may happen next. Read narrative form of next part of story. Convert to play-script form. Thumbs up or down to check understanding.
- Use Marking Ladders to check that they have included all key points.
Evaluation / Gwerthusiad
- Children discussed play-script well, noticing important features e.g. Names, Stage direction, etc. Confidence built by being able to discuss with partner.
- Children didn’t mind answering my questions, more confident.
- Prediction skills improved by discussion.
- The use of Marking Ladders ensured the children included the appropriate content.
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