Case Study / Astudiaeth Achos
Janet Gwynn
Waunceirch Primary School
Year 3
Strategy Used / Strategaeth a Ddefnyddiwyd
- Success Criteria
- Pit Stops
- 2 Stars And A Wish
- Peer Assessment
Description of Activity / Disgrifiad o'r Weithgaredd
Following introduction to story writing using the Pie Corbett's methods lasting two weeks and focus on specific sentence level skills e.g. speech marks, children were encouraged as a class to draw up success criteria (Steps to Success) which were discussed and displayed prominently in class.
At various points during the story writing process "Pit Stops" were called to refer back to Criteria and critical partners called upon.
Evaluation / Gwerthusiad
- Displaying one set of Criteria for all to focus on at given points, ensured that all gave full attention.
- Because ideas came from the children, some can be a little random, e.g. "keep it neat" but as this seemed important to all we put it at the end of the list.
- The Criteria ensures that the main focus of the piece remains highlighted and at the forefront of each child's mind.
- When marking, the Criteria informs your comments as a teacher and makes 2 Stars And A Wish very "workable". (Two things from list and one that's missing!!)
- The "Success Criteria" also makes peer assessment more structured and the children more articulate as they have the subject specific vocabulary.
- Children happy to call for a "Pit Stop" when they need a confidence boost.
- Children confident to transfer their skills to other curriculum areas. Have found that "Success Criteria" more applicable to some subjects than others.
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