Case Study / Astudiaeth Achos
Claire Wright
Rhydyfro Primary School
Year 4/5
Strategy Used / Strategaeth a Ddefnyddiwyd
Sharing the learning intentions and success criteria.
Description of Activity / Disgrifiad o'r Weithgaredd
Design a Stuart house using materials available at the time. Much information gathering and understanding the problems of the time needed to be discussed and evaluated; the plague (rats being attracted to straw on floor); The Great Fire of London (wooden houses too close together) etc.
Evaluation / Gwerthusiad
Children enjoyed the preparatory work and discussion. They were grouped in mixed group ability groups. The "group" designs were then discussed after a short presentation by each group. Useful features were highlighted and features that had not been thoroughly considered.
The children then assessed each others suggestions using thumbs up/thumps down. The children found this easy and they were happy to make an instant judgement. They have found using "Traffic Lights" more difficult. They need to be clearer about justifying why they have made the decision/judgement they have.
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