Learning: Assessment for Learning (AFL)

Case Study / Astudiaeth Achos

Julia Griffiths
YGG Cwm Nedd
Year 5/6

Strategy Used / Strategaeth a Ddefnyddiwyd

Using Marking Ladders.

Description of Activity / Disgrifiad o'r Weithgaredd

Write a book review.

  1. Model work – discuss the good characteristics.
  2. Evaluate the reviews (Reviews which I had already prepared)
  3. Discuss and create Marking Ladders which include the characteristics required to successfully complete the test.

Evaluation / Gwerthusiad

Every pupil did well, and the task was very successful. The pupils evaluated their work to ensure their adaptations included the success criteria.

I feel that they have understood and benefited as a result of their contributions to the Marking Ladders process.

They had also evaluated each other's work prior to my assessments of their endeavours.
