Case Study / Astudiaeth Achos
Wendy Headon
Ynysmaerdy Primary School
Year 5/6
Strategy Used / Strategaeth a Ddefnyddiwyd
Creating own success criteria.
Description of Activity / Disgrifiad o'r Weithgaredd
To write a description of a villain in fantasy writing.
Evaluation / Gwerthusiad
As a class we discussed the importance of describing a character in writing. We identified the genre by giving examples and identified villains in books.
I read an example of descriptive writing and asked the children what was good about it. They suggested reasons and we wrote a list on the board. Children wrote a final draft and I read aloud examples which were good!
From this the children were able to add more criteria. Children then used the list to edit and improve their work. Any criteria not ticked became a target for next time.
Children were more confident in their writing because they knew what was expected of them.
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