Case Study / Astudiaeth Achos
Helen Rowe
YGG Rhosafan
Year 6
Strategy Used / Strategaeth a Ddefnyddiwyd
Set achievement criteria with the children.
Description of Activity / Disgrifiad o'r Weithgaredd
- First, a class discussion on the subject of "Instructions"
- We looked at examples of magazines
- We noted the appropriate language and wrote it on the white board.
- Together we compiled the Marking Ladders
Evaluation / Gwerthusiad
- Because the children spent so much time discussing this at the start, and played a part in determining the achievement criteria (their choice), every child was clearly focussed.
- Each child worked with a partner, one acting as scribe whilst the other ensured the achievement criteria was included.
- They worked exceptionally well, creating quality pieces of work. They were proud of their efforts.
- I have one concern – are the more "able" children attaining their full potential? This needs to be ensured, and perhaps needs to be considered more fully when preparing the task.
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