Case Study / Astudiaeth Achos
Sian Hart
YGG Tyle'r Ynn
Year 4
Description of Activity / Disgrifiad o'r Weithgaredd
As part of our R.E. topic "Rites" we looked at the Ten Commandments and discussed how relevant they are to our lives today.
Then, in groups, I asked the children to put the Commandments in order of importance/relevance today. They then explained the order they had placed them and why, and discussed as a class.
Evaluation / Gwerthusiad
This proved to be a very successful activity. There was a lot of discussion within the groups as they set out the Commandments in order of importance/relevance. To my surprise there was quite a range with even the most important/relevant and least being different in some groups. The groups reported back on their order and justified them.
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