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Nut was the goddess of the sky. Egyptians thought that Nut swallowed Ra at the end of the day and then gave birth to him the next morning.
Nut was the daughter of Shu and Tefnut , sister and wife of Geb. She was the mother of Osiris, Set, Isis and Nephthys. Nut is depicted as a
woman. She had blue skin and her body was covered in stars. She is typically portrayed as a woman who wears a vase of
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on one elbow and his knees in the air. In this position he depicts the hills and valley of the land. It was said that when Shu raised Nut above Geb he brought an end to chaos.
water on her head. Her arms and legs represent the four pillars on which the sky rests. Her husband Geb lies on the ground reclining