
Characters and Words

Many questions asked about drama texts deal with character.

They ask you to:

say what the character is like
show how he or she changes
discuss the way characters are similar or different
judge the importance of a character within  the play as a whole

In a novel, there is often a narrator who helps you to find out about a character, but in a play, you can only learn about a character from the words.

This means that your only sources of information are the character, what others say about him or her, and in certain cases, stage directions.   A playwright, unlike a novelist, can’t tell you things directly. When we look at the words of a play we see four ways in which characters are created.

the way they speak
what they say about themselves
what they say about each other
how they are contrasted


Characters and Speech

The most important point about character in drama is what makes a character distinctive is the way in which he or she speaks. You should always therefore ask about a character:

Do these characters speak in an individual way ?

1. Look again at Act 1 Scene 3. How do the witches speak ?

- do they speak in long or short sentences, repeat words, use hesitation, speak formally or informally, say a little or a lot ?  Do they speak in prose or poetry ?


Characters on themselves

Sometimes a character says something about him or herself. It is therefore useful to ask:

Do any of the characters comment on themselves ?

2.    Look at Macbeth's soliloquy in Act 1 Scene 7 . 

What does it tell us about him as a character ?


Characters speaking about each other

This is the third way of establishing character - what one character says about another. You can ask:

Do characters make comment on each other ?


3. How does Lady Macbeth describe Macbeth in Act 1 Scene 5 ?

        How do Macduff and Malcolm describe him in Act 4 Scene 3?


On a separate sheet, write a list of all the words and phrases that each character uses to describe another.

It is probably easiest to draw up a table.

Are their comments fair and/or true ?


Characters Contrasted

Sometimes playwrights deliberately contrast one character with another in order to bring out what each is like. It’s always worthwhile asking:

Are any of the characters in this play contrasted ?

Some characters are contrasted because they have a lot in common, other people, because they are very different. It is important to understand why the playwright contrasts characters. Usually a contrast brings out something important about the meaning of the play as a whole.

Whenever you write about contrasts between characters, you should examine how their language creates differences.

4. List the ways in which Macbeth and Banquo are contrasted


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