Wales changed considerably when the coal and iron industries
came to South Wales. She became the first country in the world
in which more people lived in urban
areas rather than rural areas. The societies of the urban areas were constantly
changing and developing. However, in the rural areas, the communities changed
very little during the nineteenth century. About 40% of people lived in the parishes
in which they were born and 20-25% of marriages were between people of neighbouring
The conditions of the farmer and his servants remained much the same. The communities
were still complex because until mass-production was established there was a
variety of craftsmen working in the communities including bakers, skinners, thatchers,
millers, bootmakers, carpenters, coach-builders, masons, paper-makers, hatters
and weavers. These skills are now very rarely used outside museums such as the
Museum of Welsh Life
at St Fagan in Cardiff. These communities were almost self-sufficient and very
close knit. Cooperation
was very important, especially at harvest time.
There were problems. Poverty was common and, because of poor housing and poor
conditions, disease killed many. Cholera, tuberculosis and typhus were particularly
dangerous. Medical help was inadequate. In 1891 there was only one hospital
for each 2,533 of population in the Cardiff area.
Sport was popular amongst the young males. Before the growth of the towns
whole villages used to participate in games such as knappan, which used a football.
With the growth of the towns, sport had to be more organised. The Football
Association was founded in 1863, the Rugby Football Union in 1871. In 1881
the Welsh Rugby Union was born in the Castle Hotel, Neath.
As you look through the Census Data returns, bear the above information in
mind as you discover where and when people were born and what they did for
a living.
