Tudor was born in 1533. Her father was Henry VIII and her mother Anne
Boleyn. This was Henry's second marriage. He had first been married to
a Spanish princess called Catherine of Aragon. The marriage was a reasonably
happy one but Henry became increasingly frustrated by Catherine's inability
to provide him with a son and heir; their only child was a daughter, Mary
In 1527,
when Henry was still married to Catherine, he met and fell in love Anne
Boleyn. Convinced that Anne could provide him with the boy he wanted,
Henry, a devout Catholic, sought the permission of the Pope to divorce
Catherine. Henry was reluctant to defy the Pope, but Anne's pregnancy
forced his hand. In 1533, he decided to break away from the Roman Catholic
Church and declared himself Head of the new Church of England. This enabled
Henry to declare his first marriage illegal and marry Anne Boleyn.
To Henry's
disappointment, the child born on 7th September 1533 was another girl,
named Elizabeth after Henry's mother. Two years later, Anne Boleyn was
accused of being unfaithful to Henry and of plotting against him. She
was tried and executed in 1536. In the following year, Henry's third wife,
Jane Seymour gave birth to the son, the future Edward VI. Henry now had
the heir he so desperately wanted.
From 1543,
Elizabeth and her younger half-brother Edward came increasingly under
the influence of Henry's sixth wife, Catherine Parr. Catherine was a Protestant
and saw that both Elizabeth and Edward were brought up as Protestants.
Elizabeth was intelligent and highly educated. She could speak Greek,
Latin, French and Italian and was particularly fond of music.
father died in 1547 and the new king was Edward VI, her half-brother.
Edward reigned for only six years and died in 1553 when he was only fifteen
years old. Elizabeth's elder half-sister, Mary I, succeeded him and Elizabeth
herself was now heir to the throne. During Edward's reign, England had
become a fully Protestant country, but Mary, who had never lost her Catholic
faith, made England a Roman Catholic country again and announced plans
to marry Philip of Spain, soon to be the most powerful Catholic ruler
in Europe.
These changes
were unpopular with many Englishmen, who preferred the Protestant Elizabeth
to the Catholic Mary. One of these, Sir Thomas Wyatt, led a rebellion
in protest against the Spanish marriage. Wyatt came very close to success
but was eventually defeated. Elizabeth was suspected of being involved
in the rebellion and was arrested and placed in the Tower. The penalty
for treason was execution, but there was not enough evidence to convict
her and she was released but carefully guarded. Memory of this experience
may have influenced Elizabeth's later treatment of Mary Queen of Scots.
In November
1558, Mary died and Elizabeth became Queen of England at the age of twenty
five. She would rule England for forty five years, but this must have
looked unlikely in 1558. Although she was popular, few of her subjects
were confident that a woman could be a successful ruler. Meanwhile, her
position was seriously threatened by Mary Queen of Scots - now Queen of
both Scotland and France. In the eyes of Catholic Europe, Elizabeth was
illegitimate and Mary Queen of Scots was the rightful Queen of England.
The way
in which Elizabeth dealt with the threat of Mary Queen of Scots is the
subject of this program.