about 10am, Mary Queen of Scots climbed the stairs to the wooden stage
on which the executioner's block had been placed. She wore a black satin
dress with a white veil and carried her crucifix and a prayer book. She
crossed herself and sat down on a chair. The warrant of execution was
read to her and prayers were said.
Mary slowly
took off her veil and dress, under which she wore a red petticoat. Blindfolded,
with tears in her eyes, she then laid her head on the block and said:
your hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit".
The axe
rose and fell three times. The executioner held up her severed head. There
was silence, then one voice shouted:
"So perish
all Queen Elizabeth's enemies!".
Her pet
Skye terrier, which had hidden amongst her skirts, crawled out from under
her body. It was covered in Mary's blood. Later, it refused to eat and
pined away.