
Level 1
Pupils use resources provided and their own observations to respond to questions about places. They recognise and make observations about physical and human features of specific places. They express their views on features of the environment of a locality that they find attractive or unattractive.

Level 2
Pupils select information from resources provided. They use this information and their own observations to ask and respond to questions about places. They describe physical and human features, recognising those that give places their character. They show an awareness of places beyond their own locality. They express views on attractive and unattractive features of the environment of a locality.

Level 3
Pupils use skills and sources of evidence to respond to a range of geographical questions. They describe and make comparisons between the human and physical features in different localities. They offer explanations for the location of some of these features. They show an awareness that different places may have both similar and different characteristics. They offer reasons for some of their observations and judgements about places.

Level 4
Pupils show their knowledge, understanding and skills in relation to studies of a range of places and environments at more than one scale. They draw on their knowledge and understanding to suggest suitable geographical questions for study. They use a range of geographical skills from the Key Stage 2 Programmes of Study, and evidence to investigate places and themes. They begin to describe geographical patterns and to appreciate the importance of location in understanding places. They recognise and describe physical and human processes. They begin to show understanding of how these processes can change the features of places and that these changes affect the lives and activities of people living there. They describe how people can both improve and damage the environment.

Level 5
Pupils show their knowledge, understanding and skills in relation to studies of a range of places and environments at more than one scale. They identify relevant geographical questions. Drawing on their knowledge and understanding, they select and use appropriate skills from the Key Stage 2 Programmes of Study, and evidence to help them investigate places and themes. They reach plausible conclusions and present their findings both graphically and in writing. They describe and begin to offer explanations for geographical patterns and a range of physical and human processes. They describe how these processes change the environment and can lead to similarities and differences between places. Pupils describe ways in which places are linked through movements of goods and people. They offer explanations for ways in which human activities affect the environment and recognise that people attempt to manage and improve environments.

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Assessment - Geography
