Emotional Difficulties

At any one time in school, there will be a number of pupils experiencing emotional difficulties for a variety of reasons such as family breakdown, ill health in the family etc. They may act out their difficulties through anger outbursts or attention seeking, they may lack concentration or seem withdrawn.

Issue for School Action
Identify pupils in this category Consult IEPs and know as much as possible about the pupil.
Record and report absences Be welcoming when your pupil re-appears.
Do not overload them with missed work.
Do not issue pessimistic predictions about potential failure.
Seating It may be appropriate to place the pupil in a "sympathetic" group. Encourage the pupil to take part in group activities that are non-threatening to the pupil.
Pupil isolation? Is this because of some unpleasant habit or unacceptable level of body odour? If so, you may wish to discuss the issue with the pupil or seek the advice of other staff.

Is the pupil a victim of bullying or do you suspect this? You may find out through discreet enquiries with other pupils. You could refer to the member of staff within the school who has the responsibility for anti-bullying.

Outside agencies Are they involved with the pupil? Consult your SENCO to find out.
Underachieving You could involve the pupil in supporting other pupils. Provide stimulating work at a challenging level.

It may be that the pupil has, or is experiencing, significant difficulties. Such pupils may be withdrawn, over-sensitive to noise, arguments or teasing, or behaviours displayed could be regarded as being anti-social.

Try and place the pupil in a supportive group. It may be appropriate to provide a safe haven for the pupil during break/lunchtimes.