Transition IssuesMoving Schools

Issues for Action: Key Issue 1
We need to rationalise the testing arrangements advocated and funded by the LEA, recognising that testing should be used for intervention purposes rather than a measure driven by classroom preparation.

At present we have NFER Mathematics being used effectively in primary schools to identify areas for improvement at school, class and individual level; NFER English Reading test used as an SEN funding mechanism and predictor for end of KS2 tests (Ein Stori Ni in Welsh medium schools). Most primary schools do not use a non-verbal test to identify pupils' cognitive abilities and potential. At the same time, the use of CATs data is not consistent across the authority.

Some secondary schools use the data as a GCSE predictor while other make more sophisticated use of the data to influence teaching and learning styles. One secondary headteacher conceded that while schools had been data rich for four to five years they had only been data wise for the past year or so. The vast majority of secondary schools strongly advocate CATs tests being administered in Year 5 to generate higher quality of data related to the learning needs of those pupils transferring from KS2 to KS3.

The introduction of a non-verbal test in KS2 with an appraisal of the value of the current NFER Reading test to complement the well received and effectively used NFER Maths test would allow all schools a comprehensive profile of individual pupils' abilities and a roadmap for intervention and improvement.

Though it is conceded that all partner groups have established coherent structures for data transfer some minor repair work is still needed in many clusters (and from the LEA in the case of NFER data) to ensure consistency from all partners and a consideration for agreed timescales. There is also a need to address primary partners' understanding of how the transferred data is used and more particularly the efficiency of the dissemination and use of this data at secondary school level.

As the secondaries place greater trust in teacher assessments, this information should be provisionally transferred during early summer term so as to allow secondary colleagues an opportunity to digest and disseminate the information effectively and efficiently. Transfer protocols need to be agreed and implemented with cluster partners.

(The Common Transfer System pilot is up and running in Wales. Participation in the pilot is on a voluntary basis. A formal consultation document is being prepared seeking views on introduction of CTS on a mandatory basis. See )

Recommendation Key Personnel Timescale
  • Establish defined and agreed timescale for data transfer KS2/3
  • Establish agreed protocol for the extent of data to be transferred
  • Whole authority use of CTF generated by Assessment Manager
  • Non-verbal test administered in Y5 – CATS?
  • Re-assess value of NFER Reading Test
  • Data is used more effectively to support intervention strategies

SGE: re. funding

MH: re. use of data

GH/JT: re. technical support

JR MT CJ/ZD: re. literacy/numeracy tests

Action in relation to all issues to be agreed and initiated by April 2005.

During seminar meetings held with headteachers during the summer term 2004 to discuss this report it was agreed that:
