Transition IssuesMoving Schools

Issues for Action - Key Issue 2
Well prepared and well managed continuity or bridging units can make a significant contribution to the notion of seamless transition. We also concede that poorly devised and hastily managed units can have almost an equally detrimental effect on transition. Therefore, we strongly advocate the use of thematic bridging units.

Recommendation Key Personnel Timescale
  • Thematic bridging units used effectively in all cluster groups. Bridging units to replace transfer of coursework.
  • Greater opportunities for cross-phase generic INSET on issues such as the promotion of key skills across the curriculum and assessment, including joint moderation of pupils' work.
  • More opportunities for peer observations.




Existing good practitioners

Action in relation to bullet points 1 and 2 to be agreed and actioned by April 2005.

Bullet point 3 to be addressed by individual partner groups.

During the seminar meetings with headteachers the consensus of opinion was that EDS should lead on the development of bridging units that would be available to all cluster groups within the authority – timescale as above.
