Swansea Bay Online Learning PartnershipSwansea Bay Online Learning Partnership 

Evaluation of Module

Module: Communicating (Advanced)


Date: June 2000

(Refer to NOF Training Manual - Teaching Strategies)


  • This work had been planned to coincide with the historical topic on Ancient Egypt (Unit5g).
    It can easily be adapted to other topics studied throughout the year e.g. The Seashore Environment, The Human Body, A Locality Study.

    The flexibility of the software, and the resources extracted from the World Wide Web undoubtedly enhanced the completed work.
  • The children could not have produced work with such an impact had they used a pencil and paper methods. Linked pages are clearly specific to ICT and need to be seen working. The excitement of seeing the links work helped to keep the children's interest and enthusiasm.
  • The work was designed to consolidate existing skills in order to develop new ones. This proved to be effective as little time needed to be spent covering old ground. They saved, retrieved and edited their work effectively.
  • Children were grouped by ability to ensure that no one felt threatened or was forced to take a back seat. The better children completed the task first in order to be available to help others. Children prefer to be helped by (and help) other children if it is at all possible.
    There was a differentiated task available and the children were able to move task if it was necessary.
    If the children required help they were able to either read the Textease pupil guidelines or call upon their peers.
  • The activity allowed the children to acquire the expected skills in the three identified areas of History, English and ICT.
  • This activity was so successful that my expectation of what children are capable of achieving when using ICT is even higher than it was before. It is an extremely motivating method of delivering the curriculum.


View Work: 



Worksheet 1

Worksheet 2

Egyptian Gods 1 (Jessica and Lauren)


Egyptian Gods 2 (Stephen and Sam)

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