e. Planning the Work of Learners

She decided to allow four lessons for the topic. She had only devoted two lessons to it before, but was allowing more because pupils were going to be learning a new program and doing quite a lot of practical work. She now had to think carefully what would be realistic for pupils to achieve.

She initially thought it would be best to start with research on the web, as pupils find this motivating and she had not given this group a lot of opportunity to work on the internet before. However, she decided that the Data Protection Act would be the best aspect for research on the web, and this would not be a good starting point. She felt that they would get more involved in the topic if she started with more familiar ideas such as hacking, virus and data corruption. She could then move onto the web research and the DPA, and finish with the pupils' PowerPoint work.

Key skills: The teacher planned to help the pupils develop their literacy skills during this work, together with their abilities in working with other people.

Point for Consideration

  • Considering the topics, the resources available and the possible teaching methods, plan how you would teach the topic.

Part 2: Teaching with ICT