c. Selecting ICT Resources

It was much harder for the teacher to choose a software tool for pupils to use. He considered that raw HTML would put off many of the pupils who were not motivated by ICT itself, and who wanted to focus on the use of ICT for things which they thought were important. He considered just using Word (Publisher), as it has a Wizard to help build pages, but felt that it was not flexible enough. It was also too difficult to check how the pages would work in a hypertext browser as they are being developed. He also considered Multimedia Textease, which was relatively easy and powerful for pupils, but it didn't produce pages that could be used with a web browser.

When he consulted with colleagues in other schools, one recommended Netscape Composer, one recommended Hyperstudio, and one recommended FrontPage Express. These all had snags: the school had standardised on Internet Explorer for web access; he could not afford a licence for Hyperstudio; and he could not obtain any documentation for FrontPage Express. However, he decided to use FrontPage Express, as it is easy to use for pupils familiar with Word, and the main principles are easy to implement. He did not expect the lack of documentation to be a problem with a class containing a number of expert computer users who already use the program at home and are happy to share their knowledge.

Questions for Consideration

  • Consider the pros and cons of using raw HTML with various groups of learners.
  • Identify a number of available programs which support hypertext authoring - some you may already have, some are available free on the WWW, at least in trial versions, others can be obtained as demo versions from suppliers. How do they compare for your purposes?
  • The teacher only consulted a small number of local colleagues whom he knew well. How else could he have obtained professional advice from colleagues?

d. Developing Your Own Knowledge of the Resources