Part 1:
Preparing to Use ICT in Teaching

a. Aims and Objectives

The teacher's aim in this case study was to introduce the idea of a computer model to her Year 7 IT class, and to teach some of the techniques of using Excel to explore models. Thus her specific objectives were that students should be able to:

  • Enter data for input variables in a spreadsheet model and observe the effects on output variables
  • Conjecture changes to the input data in order to maximise the output data, and test conjectures
  • Control variables systematically in order to establish the best combination of input variables
  • Report briefly on their strategy and conclusions

Questions for Consideration

  • How do you currently introduce pupils to modelling?
  • Do you use a spreadsheet or a specific simulation program?

Keep a short record of your responses to these questions for discussion with your mentor.

b. Selecting ICT Resources