Part 1:
Preparing to Use ICT in Teaching

a. Aims and Objectives

In this case study, the teacher's aims were to develop her pupils' appreciation of the range of methods of gathering, managing, manipulating and expressing quantitative data, most particularly focusing on some of the economic aspects of the Hollywood film industry. The pupils in this case are from a variety of GNVQ programmes, including Media, but the assumption on the teacher's part is that pupils working in Business, Health and Leisure will be able to identify with the work being done by its relevance to their own interest in films and film stars.

As the case study unfolds, we will see occasional points at which the work done on film can be applied to the other commercial areas, but all pupils in this case study work on the same tasks initially. Specifically, the teacher wanted pupils to be able to:

  • Investigate the Hollywood industry to gain a sense of its economic importance.
  • Describe and explain the respective earnings of a variety of film stars' movies.
  • Compare film earnings within the Hollywood sector.
  • Present at least some of their findings in the form of a comparative spreadsheet.
  • Transfer some findings from spreadsheet format to Word document format for inclusion in a project.
  • Apply the methods of data-gathering, management, manipulation and expression to issues within pupils' own GNVQ vocational areas - namely Business, Health and Leisure.

Questions for Consideration

  • If you currently deal with this area of work in the classroom, or with an analogous or related area, how do you do so?
  • If you used real examples of comparisons between film stars how would you manage use of and access to these?
  • What are the main problems you would expect to encounter when you work with examples of information about film in a classroom of mixed vocational areas?
  • Which parts of the new Curriculum 2000 Specifications for KS do you think this case study work will help most with?

Keep a short record of your responses to these questions for discussion with your mentor.

b. Deciding Whether to Use ICT