c. Adapting the Resources for Different Learners or Work

This part of the case study follows on from what has just been said about evaluation of resources. If a piece of software, a spreadsheet or a dedicated piece of courseware can be used for more than one group of learners or across more than one area of work, it follows that it is more valuable to you in your work.

In the case study, the teacher found the computer useful for her students studying for Level Three Key Skills. The teacher also saw the benefit to students in their increased knowledge of IT and depending upon the subject it could be used to teach a module in one of the student's main subject areas.

In your consideration of the question of adaptation, you should think of only using subject specific scenarios that are integrated into the students main subject(s) - this will make the exercise more relevant to the student and optimise their opportunity to learn. Most of the time when you use an ICT resource - say, in the use of a spreadsheet or a dedicated piece of courseware - you will find that you have to bend it a little to make it more widely useful.

The Chemistry teacher suggested the use of a database to analyse the properties of the elements in the Periodic Table. By using the database the students could forecast the properties of an element by its position in the Periodic Table.

Key Skills
There are many ways that the tutor can introduce other elements of the key skills qualification into the case study. Students who create and interrogate a database may be assessed for IT Key Skills. The case study also provides plenty of opportunities for the student to be assessed for the other four key skills namely: Communication, Improve own Learning and Performance, Working with Others and Problem Solving.

With this in mind, think about how you would complete the grid on the following page, and discuss it with your mentor.
