Part 1:
Preparing to use ICT in Teaching

a. Aims and Objectives

The teacher's aim, for the sake of this case study, is to develop learner's ability to carry out a range of skills required in order to be assessed against the Key Skills curriculum for Application of Number in the year 2000. In this case the students are working towards Level 3 in carrying out calculations. As we meet the teacher, she has used a variety of methods of improving the student's ability to apply their number skills to straightforward tasks, including didactic teaching, textbooks and other print materials and the use of videos for case studies.

Specifically, the case study examines how ICT may be used in Application of Number Level 2 Key Skills. This requires students to carry out a substantial activity that requires students to:

  • Select information and methods to get the results they need.
  • Carry out calculations involving two or more steps and numbers of any size, including use of formulae, and check their methods and level of accuracy.
  • Select ways to present their findings, including use of a graph, methods and explain results.

Common to all Application of Number Key Skills the teacher also wants to:

  • Show how number is used in differing jobs in a variety of different vocational settings.
  • Illustrate the numerous opportunities for gathering evidence from real work place examples.
  • To show that the application of number is relevant to their area of study.
  • To show that the application of number is something they can do and need not be afraid of.
  • To show that the application and use of number is essential to the effective operation of all organisations.

Questions for Consideration

  • How do you currently deal with this area of work in the classroom?
  • Do you use any ICT based methods in carrying out calculations, and how do you manage the use of these?

Keep a short record of your responses to these questions for discussion with your mentor.

b. Deciding Whether to Use ICT