Part 1:
Preparing to Use ICT in Teaching

a. Aims and Objectives

The teacher's aim for the sake of this case study is to develop the learner's ability to carry out a range of tasks and to demonstrate skills, which will be assessed against the Key Skills Information Technology Curriculum. In this case, the students are working towards IT Key Skills Level 3 - applying IT skills to suit different purposes. The teacher has used a variety of methods of improving the student's ability to apply their IT skills to straightforward tasks, including didactic teaching, textbooks and other print materials and the use of videos for case studies.

Specifically, the teacher needs to assess the students on the following areas:

  • IT 3.1 Plan and use different sources to search for and select information required for two different purposes.
    • Plan how to obtain and use the information required to meet the purpose of your activity.
    • Choose appropriate sources and techniques for finding information and carry out effective searches.
    • Make selections based on judgements of relevance and quality.
  • Sample evidence: A description of the substantial activities and tasks A plan for obtaining and using the information required Print outs of relevant information with notes on sources compared and used. Notes on how you made searches and selected information.
  • IT 3.2 Explore, develop and exchange information, and derive new information to meet two different purposes.
    • Enter and bring together information in a consistent form, using automated routines where appropriate.
    • Create and use appropriate structures and procedures to explore and develop information and derive new information.
    • Use effective methods of exchanging information to suit your purpose.
  • Sample evidence: Printouts, with notes or assessors' observation records showing how you have exchanged, explored and developed information and derived new information. Notes of automated routines.
  • IT 3.3 Present information from two different sources for two different purposes and audiences (including at least one example of text, one example of images and one example of numbers.
    • Develop the structure and content of your presentation using the views of others, where appropriate to guide refinements.
    • Present information effectively, using a format and style that suits your purpose and audience.
    • Ensure your work is accurate and makes sense.
  • Sample evidence: Working drafts or assessor observation records showing how you developed the presentation using information from different sources. Printouts or prints of static or dynamic screen displays.

Questions for Consideration

  • How do you currently deal with this or any other similar teaching in the classroom?
  • Do you use any ICT based methods to gather and present information?
  • How do you manage the use of these?

Keep a short record of your responses to these questions for discussion with your mentor.

b. Deciding Whether to Use ICT