Part 1:
Preparing to Use ICT in Teaching

a. Aims and Objectives

The teacher's aim for the sake of this case study is to develop written communication for pupils working toward GCSE French. In this case the learners are Year 11 pupils in a mixed gender comprehensive school. Some of the learners are considering progressing to A Level and other further qualifications. As we meet the teacher, she has used a variety of methods of developing written work, from set briefs with tightly controlled conditions to open projects giving pupils more latitude to express themselves.

Specifically, the teacher wants the pupils at this phase of their writing development to:

  • Provide written opinions on a range of ideas about France.
  • Express themselves clearly and concisely in writing.
  • Use formal and informal registers in their expression in a manner that is fit for purpose and audience.

The writing task the teacher has decided to produce is based on the following scenario on the topic 'The world around us - more opinions'.
Tu as lu dans un journal canadien un article sur la France. L'article s'appelle 'La France? Pas pour moi!'

Dans l'article on a dit que:

  • La France n'est pas très intéressante pour les touristes.
  • Les Français sont très impolis.
  • Ils adorent manger les escargots.

Ecris une lettre (environ 160 mots) à l'éditeur du magazine. Dis-lui que tu n'es pas d'accord avec l'article. Justifie tes opinions et raconte tes expériences.
Write a letter of around 160 words replying to an article you have read in a magazine.

Questions for Consideration

  • How do you currently deal with this area of work in the classroom?
  • Do you use any ICT based methods to develop this form of writing skill, and how do you manage use of these?

Keep a short record of your responses to these questions for discussion with your mentor.

b. Deciding Whether to Use ICT