b. Deciding Whether to Use ICT

There seems to be a wide range of options for dealing with this topic. The teacher could:

  • Use the text book only, and not use any ICT (or other technology) at all.
  • Use a word processor package to create worksheets, perhaps placing some images into the worksheets.
  • Use some video.
  • Use the World Wide Web to gather resources.
  • Use the World Wide Web for the resources.
  • Use e-mail to set up a "pen-friend" scheme.

Of course, any combination of the options is also possible, but we shall discuss them all, and your work will involve using several of the options alone and together.

Questions for Consideration

  • How many of the options above do you feel comfortable about at the moment, and could you suggest any others?
  • What are the benefits to using the video alongside the written material?
  • What are the pitfalls as you see them to using the World Wide Web to gather background information?
  • Look again at the objectives for this case study - do you think any of them match up with the options listed?

Keep a short record of your responses to these questions for discussion with your mentor.

c. Selecting ICT Resources