d. Developing Your Own Knowledge of the Resources

Having made decisions about using some of the resources and opportunities in tandem, it is important for the teacher in the case study to get to know the resources well enough to feel confident about using them in the classroom. It is also important that the pupils will feel comfortable about using resources.

We can focus on this with an exercise that requires you to get on the World Wide Web. First, have a look at the BBC Spanish Online website:


You will see that this site is divided into the main areas of experience. Have a look around them and pay a particular attention to "food". Then answer the following questions:

  1. Look at the multiple choice quiz. When and for what purpose would you use this?
  2. Although the site contains vocabulary lists and activities, you might want to develop some of these yourself, or even copy some of it. What would you do to develop the materials and what reason would you have for editing the materials?
  3. The site also contains video and audio clips. How could you incorporate these into your teaching?

When you have looked at the site in the light of these questions, and perhaps written some worksheets of your own to go with the resources, you should discuss with your mentor what you want to do with the resource in the classroom. This can be done in a mentor visit, over the telephone or by e-mail, and should serve merely to satisfy you that you are on the right track with your use of the materials.

e. Planning the Work of Learners