Part 2:
Teaching With ICT

a. Structuring Lessons

In the case study we are dealing with, the teacher has a regular pattern to the session in which she uses the Internet based activities to generate writing of this sort. She tends to start with a teacher led introduction to the session outlining the area of coverage in the session. In an hour long session, she might restrict herself to explain what the task is about and what is required from the pupils and outline some of the vocabulary and grammatical knowledge required to complete the task.

From the introduction, she will set pairs or small group work to do using worksheets to outline a plan, for example. This work is structured and she monitors progress around the class until she can get them to report back to the whole group on their progress, to summarize their progress in small groups to feedback in the next session, or to e-mail their drafts as appropriate.

Again, you might not work in exactly this way, but you probably do have a pattern that you favour as a teacher. Characterise this pattern to yourself now, and consider how the use of ICT as a resource might fit into it.

She has decided she would spend three, hour long sessions to complete this task. First, let's recall the main learning objectives the teacher has for her pupils in this area:

  • Provide written instructions on a limited range of simple tasks.
  • Provide explanations of phenomena and processes within the typical range of a pupil's experience.
  • Express themselves clearly and concisely in writing.
  • Use formal and informal registers in their expression in a manner that is fit for purpose and audience.

The writing task the teacher has decided to produce is based on the following scenario on the topic "The World Around Us - More Opinions". Has leido un artículo en una revista mejicana. El artículo se tituló "¿ La España? No es para mí."

En el artículo se pone:

  • La España no es muy interesante para los turistas.
  • Los Españoles no son muy amables.
  • Los Españoles son crueles con los animales.

Escribe una carta breve (160 palabras más o menos). No estás de acuerdo con el artículo. Explica tus objecciones y cuenta tus experiencias personales.

Below is a summary of how those three hours are structured to use ICT to meet these objectives. Take a look at this summary and then produce your own account, and your own lesson plans, showing how you would use the ICT resources we have been discussing to do the same job. You might wish to extend or contract the time, and to fit the plans, duration and work around your own experience of working with this or a similar piece of writing.

Case Study Lesson Structure

  • Session 1: Preparations
    • Class introduction: setting out the task.
    • Explain in detail what the task is about.
    • Brainstorming: pupils opinions on the topic.
    • Model answer.
    • Explanation of difficult grammatical and lexical sections.
  • Session 2: Task completion
    • Class introduction.
    • Pupils work in pairs to read the task and outline a plan.
    • Teacher to monitor progress.
    • Task completion to begin.
    • Students can e-mail the letter to each other, or if a partnership exists, to a school in Spain.
  • Session 3: Task Development
    • Class introduction to levels of formality in language.
    • Pupils work in pairs to change their letter into an appropriate format and register for a different purpose (eg. a talk for young children about Spain and the Spanish).
    • Teacher to monitor progress.
    • Task completion.
    • Students e-mail the letter to each other and compare work.

b. Managing Learning in the Classroom