c. Developing Your Own Knowledge of the Resources

The teacher needed to spend some time working through the sorts of things she wanted the pupils to do and make sure that she could solve any problems that were likely to arise.

Points for Consideration

For the database program you will be using, make sure that you can:

  • Switch between different "views" of the structure, such as:
    • in MS Works - Form view, List view, Filter, Report
    • in Access - Table, Form, Query and Report
    • also make sure that you are clear about the purpose of each of these views.
  • When setting up the database, specify suitable field types if appropriate.
  • After doing a query or filter, switch back to showing all the records again.
  • Investigate the IT skills of your year 8 pupils. Would you foresee them having difficulty with the process of setting up a database?

d. Planning the Work of Learners