Case Study 3:
Using ICT to Model Relationships and Control Events

Before You Start...
Welcome to the Swansea Bay Online Learning Partnership case study series for teachers of Music. Before you start work on this case study, you will need to ensure that you have confidence in using the hardware, skills and ICT packages the case study uses.

The most important hardware, skills and packages to be comfortable with before you start the case study are:

  • A composition package, such a Sibelius, Rhapsody, Cubase or Cakewalk. You should be able to enter and edit music directly from the computer's keyboard or MIDI keyboard.
  • A MIDI device, such as a MIDI keyboard, a synthesizer or a MIDI sound module. Many computers have a 'built-in' MIDI sound source, and this should be capable of producing good quality sounds with a wide range of timbres. You should be able to connect devices to the computer via a MIDI interface using appropriate cables and connectors.
  • Output hardware, such as an amplifier, stereo system or powered speakers. You should be able to control the volume for individual or group use.

If you do not feel comfortable with any of the above, discuss with your mentor the best way of getting your skills ready before you start. If you are missing just one of the skills, and you are happy to develop it while you are working on the case study, go ahead with the next part.
