Part 1:
Preparing to Use ICT in Teaching

a. Aims and Objectives

The teacher's aim for the sake of this case study is to develop learners' ability to understand some of the relations between Religious belief and social life. In this case, the learners are Key Stage 4 pupils in a mixed gender and mixed ethnicity urban comprehensive school and they are working on World Religions. As we meet the teacher, he has used with a range of groups a variety of methods of promoting understanding in this area, including books, newspapers and other print materials, television and video programmes and his own word-processed materials.

Specifically, the teacher wants the pupils at this phase of their development to:

  • Name the major World Religions and some minor Religions.
  • Identify a range of beliefs within each of the Religions, including:
    • Some attitudes to specific social and interpersonal behaviours.
    • Some approaches to basic features of human life such as diet and survival.
    • The sources of some attitudes, whether in sacred texts, other sources of law or other traditions of behaviour.
    • The significance of the belief to the religion's structure and performance.
  • Identify reasons why behaviours determined by religious commitment compliment and conflict with secular expectations.

The teacher wishes to concentrate on the following in order to explore the questions:

  • Seventh Day Adventism
  • Mormonism
  • The Jehovah's Witness Movement
  • Judaism
  • Sikhism
  • Buddhism
  • Islam
  • Hindus

Questions for Consideration

  • How do or would you currently deal with this area of work in the classroom?
  • Do you use any ICT based methods to gather and present information, and how do you manage use of these?

Keep a short record of your responses to these questions for discussion with your mentor.

b. Deciding Whether to Use ICT