d. Developing Your Own Knowledge of the Resources

Having made decisions about using some of the resources and opportunities in tandem, it is important for the teacher in the case study to get to know the resources well enough to feel confident about using them in the classroom. It is also important that the pupils will feel comfortable about using resources.

There are a number of options available to support the learners to carry out this activity using ICT. Some of the options you will be able to use will be limited by the access you have to symbols packages. If you have the Writing with Symbols CD then you need to get to know how the CD works and the options that are available on it for creating written material supported by relevant symbols.

For this study though we can focus on an exercise that requires you to use the World Wide Web to find resources that will be of relevance to the exercise set for the learners.

To give you some focus to begin with answer the following questions:

  1. How much time do you plan to carry out a search for relevant symbols? The amount of information stored on the WWW is extensive, it might be an idea to give yourself a time limit as there are so many hyperlinks within sites of this nature that you can quite easily get carried away. Once you have found a site that you perceive as useful then stick to it for the needs of this study.
  2. Do you know how to copy and paste elements from the WWW into Word documents and are you aware of the legal constraints on your activity in this respect?

When you have done this, take a look at the following web sites and answer the following questions.




  1. Are the resources available suitable to support the needs of the learners for this particular activity?
  2. How will the learners need to be supported in order for them to access these materials?
  3. Are there any other means of differentiation that you will need to take into consideration to support all the learners needs?

When you have looked at some of these resources in the light of these questions, and perhaps written some worksheets of your own to go with these resources, you should discuss with your mentor what you want to do with the resource in the classroom. This can be done in a mentor visit, over the telephone or by e-mail, and should serve merely to satisfy you that you are on the right track with your use of the materials.

e. Planning the Work of Learners