d. Developing Your Own Knowledge of the Resources

Having made decisions about using some of the resources and opportunities in tandem, it is important for the teacher in the case study to get to know the resources well enough to feel confident about using them in the classroom. It is also important that the learners will feel comfortable about using the resources.

There are a number of options available to support the learners to carry out this activity using ICT. Some of the options you will be able to use will be limited by the access you have to symbols packages. If you have the Writing with Symbols CD then you need to get to know how the CD works and the options that are available on it for creating written material supported by relevant symbols.

We can focus on this with an exercise that requires that you get to know a bit more about searching and retrieving material from a CD-ROM or the web. First, try the following two search methods using the web:

  • Go to any one of the search engines on the web and type in the words: the Guardian. Take a note of the number of hits that you get and take a look to see how relevant they are.
  • Then carry out the activity by inputting the address details into the address box on the toolbar, in this case delete the current address and input www.guardianunlimited.co.uk

Secondly, carry out a similar method using the CD ROM:

  • Select a category of news/media. Look at the range of options that are available in this section. Then use the search function to look for a specific topic that made the headlines, for example, Neil Armstrong, you decide on a subject that may be more recent or more relevant to your learners.

Now answer the following questions - just to give you some focus to begin with:

  1. From your own experience of using the search function on the web how do you perceive your learners comprehending a similar task?
  2. Similarly when you selected a category from the CD how do you perceive your learners' ability to understand the selection of options available?
  3. Bearing the above questions in mind, how much time do you plan to carry out a search for information on the CD and Web? It might be an idea to give yourself a time limit and informed choices for your learners to start with.
  4. How will the learners need to be supported in order for them to access these materials?
  5. Do you know how to copy segments from the web or the CD for insertion in your own worksheets and resources? If you do, are you aware of the copyright laws governing this action?

When you have looked some of these resources in the light of these questions, and perhaps written some worksheets of your own, you should discuss with your mentor what you want to do with the resource in the classroom. This can be done in a mentor visit, over the telephone or by email, and should serve merely to satisfy you that you are on the right track with your use of the materials.

e. Planning the Work of Learners