You should have come to this page if you are using this package as your prime learning method. By using the package in this way, you will be taken through the play in a methodical manner to make sure that you cover all the topic areas. When you have completed this package, you can then use the index on page 1 to revise any areas you wish.
This part of the package is arranged in three main sections. They are concerned with:
detailed reference to the play: where
you will go through the play from start to finish looking at the plot, the action and the
language and answering questions about them;
character: where you will look at the main
characters and answer questions about them;
essays: where you will read some examples
before going on to try essays of your own.
Each section or group of sections will explain in detail what is expected of you as you go along, with objectives made clear at the beginning so that you can see what you should be achieving. In addition to this, the sections will give you a rough idea of how long you should spend on the work, so that you dont lag behind any programme or timetable that youve agreed with your tutor.