c. Adapting the Resources for Different Learners or Work

This part of the case study follows from what has just been said about evaluation of resources. If a piece of software, a World Wide Web site or a dedicated piece of courseware can be used for more than one group of learners or across more than one area of work, it follows that it is more valuable to you in your work.

In the case study, the teacher found the web sites useful for this particular group on this particular task, but also useful with the same group in other areas of their Drama work. It was simply a matter of spending time with the pupils exploring the web sites. The web sites and the CD materials were also useful across a range of other groups. Pupils at all ages recognise the Soap characters, and what you do with them as a teacher depends only on what you want the pupils to achieve and how creative you want to be. As well as the casting exercise, the images you have could be used in a story-board, where pupils re-write or develop new scripts and stories using the characters as prompts.

Alternatively, you could imagine transferring the characters from one Soap into another, and some quite amusing story-lines emerging from this kind of modelling exercise. The images you have and acquire only really serve to enliven this process a little, but you can use ICT to create the story-boards, and to edit and develop them, very much more easily than physical cut-paste work.

With this in mind, think about how you would complete the grid on the following page, and discuss it with your mentor.
