e. Planning the Work of Learners

The teacher wanted the pupils to find out as much as possible for themselves, but recognised that they would need some help with structuring their research. It was important to first identify the purpose of the database they were going to produce. He decided to devise the scenario that the local ambulance service wanted to create web pages which students and other interested people could access to find out about the work of the service and how they have been affected by new technology. He felt that this would provide learning opportunities in various aspects of the course.

He also decided to show the class a short piece of video about ICT in the ambulance service and question them about this in order to draw their attention to the key points that he wanted them to focus on in their own research. This would enable the less able pupils to gain some basic information to work with, without restricting the progress of the most able.

He contacted the ambulance service and obtained a number of copies of brochures and technical reports, which were available to the public. He wanted the pupils to apply their web search skills, which they had recently worked on if possible. Although the local service did not have a web site, he found two similar regions that did. He planned to suggest that pupils accessed the Internet in the school library, the public library or at home, so that they did not spend a lot of lesson time looking for the limited information which was available.

Having made notes on paper about the information they had collected, he planned that groups of pupils would continue to work on paper to devise their web structures. He wanted to emphasise that each web page is like a separate document, and although they might design each page on screen, they had to have a plan for how they would link together. He thus produced a web design form to help them (see below). The teacher also produced a guide to getting started with FrontPage Express, indicating how to carry out the steps listed above. Both documents can be downloaded below.

How do I download Word documents?

FrontPage Express

In order to emphasise the need to test carefully, he also planned to ask groups of pupils to look at each other's web pages and to criticise them constructively.

Key skills: The teacher checked through the plans and felt that in addition to developing IT skills, the work could contribute a lot to pupils' literacy if they were given support at particular stages:

  • identifying key points and making notes
  • following instructions
  • formulating comments on other pupils' work

She also expected the group work to improve their abilities to work with others, and the criticism of each other's work to improve their abilities to monitor their own work independently.

Questions for Consideration

  • Consider the suitability of the ambulance service as an application to study. List three positive points for this context of study in an IT examination course.
  • Can you think of any negative points?

Part 2: Teaching with ICT