d. Developing Your Own Knowledge of the Resources

Having made decisions about using some of the resources and opportunities in tandem, it is important for the teacher in the case study to get to know the resources well enough to feel confident about using them in the classroom. It is also important that the students will feel comfortable about using the resources.

To use this case study you need to have a working knowledge of Tables, Forms, Queries and Reports. Specifically you will need to be able to:

  • Create tables with appropriate data types.
  • Enter records into a table (using a form).
  • Interrogate a database by creating queries.
  • Import data from one file into another.
  • Carry out statistical analysis using a database.

The teacher wanted the students to investigate people's attitudes to health and fitness. Since all the data that the students collect is to be shared it is important that all the students collect the same data. The students need to decide the type of information they are going to collect and design a questionnaire to collect it. The class decided to find the following:

  • Age, height and weight.
  • Number of hours spent watching TV in one week.
  • Playing computer games.
  • Playing sport.
  • Number of calories consumed in a week.

The students were also keen to discover if the area in which people live had an effect on the results. The students are expected to calculate and identify the mean median and mode, indicating the significance of each and use charts to illustrate their findings.

e. Planning the Work of Learners