Part 2:
Teaching With ICT

a. Structuring Lessons

In the case study we are dealing with, the teacher has a fairly regular pattern to his sessions. He tends to start with a teacher-led introduction to the session, outlining the area for coverage in the session. From the introduction, he will set pairs or small groups work to do, using either printed worksheets, a section of a CD-ROM or specific investigations on the World Wide Web. This work is structured, and he monitors progress around the class until he can get them to report back to the whole group on their progress, or summarise their progress in small groups to feed back in the next session.

Again, you might not work in exactly this way, but you probably do have a pattern that you favour as a teacher. Characterise this pattern to yourself now, and consider how the use of ICT as a resource might fit into it.

Below is a summary of how the time and lesson are structured to use ICT to meet some of the learning objectives. Take a look at the summary and then produce your own account, and your own lesson plans, showing how you would use the ICT resources we have been discussing to do the same job on this area of work.

  • The lesson starts with a whole class introduction and review.
  • A brainstorming session helps to clarify key words to use in the search.
  • Basic instructions are given on how best to use the various search engines to find the required information. The nutritional value of at least 20 foods should be found.
  • The data collected is put into a table in a word document and saved as FOOD VALUES. Pupils work in pairs.
  • Most pupils use the WWW sites, though some pairs will access the relevant CD-ROMs installed on their computers if they are not permitted to use the Internet, or as extension material.
  • Once all pupils identify the key sites* for the required information they put together from the 20 foods found a high energy balanced meal.
  • Progress is frequently checked by questions to individual pupils to reveal their level of understanding as well as establishing what difficulties are being encountered.
  • Pupils save the information and print their final A4 sheet about a balanced meal.
  • Remind pupils to note if the data is in calories or kilojoules.

*Start points - eg. gateway given was Schoolzone

Questions for Consideration

  • How will you decide which pupils are allocated to the CD-ROM machines?
  • What are some of the issues of classroom management and organisation in this lesson?
  • How will you give the instructions needed to start the search on the WWW or CD ?
    • Orally to the whole class?
    • Help sheet only?
    • Gathered around a large screen for a demonstration?

b. Managing Learning in the Classroom