Case Study 2

XYZ Magazine Distributors sell magazines to newsagents in South Wales. A database is to be used to keep a record of magazines available and stock numbers. Create a database with the following structure:

  1. Enter fifteen records using your own data in no particular order.
  2. List the magazines by each publisher.
  3. List a search for two publishers.
  4. List the magazines with price > £2.00.
  5. Delete one record.
  6. Append two records.
  7. Sort on Publisher and Magazine.
  8. Produce a report using a Report Wizard with fields Code, Magazine and Numstock fields adding a text box for Total (Sum) of the Numstock field.
  9. List the Welsh magazines in alphabetic order of name.
  10. Print out the report.

    Contents: Databases

    Skill Check: Databases