Case Study 1:
Using ICT to Present and Exchange Ideas

Before You Start…
Welcome to the Swansea Bay Online Learning Partnership case study series for teachers of Design and Technology. Before you start work on this case study, you will need to ensure that you have confidence in using the skills and ICT packages the case study uses.

The most important packages to be comfortable with before you start the case study are:

  • A word processor, ideally Word Version 6 or higher - you should be able to create, save and print simple documents with Word.
  • A CD ROM, such as Encarta or one of the other popular CD encyclopedias available - you should be able to load and run a disc, and understand how to search through it for specific topics. The use of a CD ROM in this case study is optional, and is based on the use of the Internet - you might feel it appropriate to spend time on other aspects of the case study.
  • The Internet - you should be able to get onto the Internet, use one or more of the common search engines, and understand how Internet addresses are formed. You will also need to understand how to copy images from the Internet into your own documents, and a help-sheet for this task is provided at the end of the case study.
  • E-mail - you should understand how to send, receive and reply to e-mails. This is an optional feature in this case study.
  • A presentation package, ideally Microsoft PowerPoint - you should be able to create, save and print simple presentations with PowerPoint.

If you do not feel comfortable with any of the above, please refer to your skills-check and discuss with your mentor the best way of getting your skills ready before you start. If you are missing just one of the skills, and you are happy to develop it while you are working on the case study, go ahead with the next part.
