Opening Other Tables

The restricted values for the Area, Type, Vendor and C_Heat fields can be found in their respective tables. Close the Property table and open each of these tables and designs in turn to see a window display of the codes arid full names used.

Any changes in the Property table in these fields outside of these values is not allowed until a new value is inserted in these related tables - eg. 0 (for dOrmer) as house type must be added to the 'Types' table first before '0' is accepted as a type in the Property table.

Obtaining a Listing of the Property Table

  1. Make sure the Property table is selected
  2. Click the File menu and select Print Preview for a screen preview of the table. If this appears satisfactory then again click the File menu and select Print.
  3. Repeat for the Area, Type, Vendor and C_Heat tables by closing a table, opening the required table, and choosing the File menu and Print.

Key Fields
In Design mode you will see a key icon next to the ID field of the Property table as illustrated below.

Every table needs at least one key field and records are displayed in order of these key fields. The Property table only requires one key field since each house has a unique ID number indicating the chronological order in which the record is added to the table. To prove that each ID number is unique try changing the ID of 4 Freshville Road to 0003 (already used for 22 Church Lane) and closing the table.

Contents: Databases

Skill Check: Databases