Glossary of Terms

Boolean type
A data type used to hold the value True or False.
Character type
A data type used to hold a single character.
An expression which can be evaluated as being either True or False.
eg. date of birth < 01/01/90
A collection of data records organised in an easily stored and accessible way.
Data type
A definition that states the kind of data that can be entered into a data field.
eg. real, integer, text, date.
Data validation
The process of ensuring, as far as possible, that information is correct by checking it against specific rules and other data, performed during input and editing of forms.
eg. for a day of month an integer between 1 and 31, or for a sex field only accepting male or female.
A space on the screen or in a record where data can be entered or stored.
A collection of related records.
A term used to describe a category of databases that will only allow the user to work with one file at a time - ie. it is impossible to create a data link between more than one file using a flat-file database.
Analogous to a paper form used in an office, a database form is a screen containing blank space called fields into which data items are entered before being saved as a record in memory.
eg. Surname, Forenames, Sex, Age etc.
A set of 'pointers' stored in a file that allows fast access to individual records as well as the ability to access records in a specific order.
A whole number.
eg. 1, 5000, -27
A data value upon which an index is based.
eg. an employees reference number key will let you find individual employee details quickly and produce reports in employee reference number order.
Used in searches to set the conditions upon which the database is interrogated.
eg. = < >
The specification of search criteria that are used to interrogate a database.
A unit of related data items in a file expressed in named data fields.
Record view
A display of one record at a time from a database file.
The combining of data from two or more data files normally achieved by the linking of common key-values, for example customer details with customer orders linked via a common account-number field.
eg. stock file, supplier file.
A view of the data contained within the database with suitable headings and groupings and possibly summary information.
Search criteria
The conditions upon which a database is interrogated.
eg. sex = "female" AND age <20
A data type used to hold a collection of characters.
eg. ant, bee, cow.
A grouping within a larger group.
Table view
A display of a collection of records each with the same set of fields (but different data), arranged in columns for each field.

Contents: Databases

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