Auto Content Wizard

As with most Microsoft products, there is an Auto Content Wizard to guide you through the process of creating a presentation by giving a series of prompts. This is an alternative to creating your own presentation form scratch.

In the steps below, a sales presentation for a computer hardware company will be created.

  1. Click on File, then New. Select the Presentations tab, then double-click on Auto Content Wizard.
  2. When the Auto Content Wizard appears click Next to display the illustration above.
  3. The list in the centre illustrates category headings as buttons (All, General etc.) then illustrates the individual choices on the right hand side (Generic, Recommending a Strategy etc). The Flow Chart on the left shows your progress through the Wizard. Clicking on a different button in the centre (eg General or Corporate) will alter the choices that appear in the right-hand window. For example, clicking on the Personal Button offers only two choices - Personal Home Page and Announcement/Flyer. Once you have selected the type of wizard you want to use, click the Next button.
  4. The next screen gives a variety of output choices - Presentations, Informal Meeting and Handouts or Internet/Kiosk. As an example, select Presentations, Informal Meeting and Handouts. Click Next.
  5. Select On screen presentation, and Yes to the question 'Will you print handouts'. Click Next.
  6. The next screen is a placeholding slide, which allows you to enter text into the specified location.
  7. Type in the information you wish to appear - the title and name of the slide.
  8. Click Next and, on the next slide that appears, click Finish.

The Wizard then takes you into the slide show you have created, and displays it onscreen using Outline View. Congratulations, you have now completed your demonstration presentation. The techniques you have used are identical to those involved with creating a slide show manually using new slides. Please save as PowerPoint Example 1.

Contents: Presentations

Skill Check: Presentations