Advanced Features

Adding a 'Build Up' or Slide Animation
When using a slide with bullet lines it may be distracting to the audience to present all of them at one time. PowerPoint contains a facility to build up the lines with a timed delay or manual prompting.

Move to Slide 5 of the CIT slide show. Choose the Slide Show menu and select Slide Transitions.

Under the Effect box, alter the Option Box displaying 'No Transition' and choose one of the examples, for instance 'Checkerboard Across'. Run the slide show to see the effect. Press Esc on the keyboard to return to slide design and try other effects eg. 'Fly from Top'.

Slide Show Master
A master slide's layout is applied to all other slides in the presentation.

Choose the Format menu and select Background for a dialog box to change the colour and shading styles of the master. Click on the small drop-down arrow, then select More Colours from the Colour Picker, then Fill Effects to alter shading etc.

Choose the Format menu and select Presentation template for a dialog box to change the master to another design. Alter the slide colour. Select Format then Slide Colour Scheme.

The Pointer Feature
Rather than use a pointer or stick to point out certain features on a slide during a presentation there another option in PowerPoint - the slide show marker.

During the slide show you can move the mouse and the normal mouse arrow will appear giving an on-screen pointer.

When the mouse arrow appears, a small icon appears in the right hand bottom corner of the screen - the freehand drawing tool. Clicking on this icon gives a pen option.

Dragging the pen cursor will cause it to draw a free hand line. In this mode the small icon appearing in the right-hand bottom corner of the screen now becomes an arrow and clicking on this will return the cursor to the pointer mode.

Contents: Presentations

Skill Check: Presentations