Glossary of Terms

Absolute reference
A reference to a specific cell.
The way in which the contents of a cell are arranged as flush left, centre or flush right.
Ascending sort
The sorting of a list with the lowest value or lowest alphanumeric character first.
Axis label
The text to describe the type of data represented by the axis of a graph or chart.
Synonymous with cell.
A unit on a spreadsheet matrix into which can be input via the keyboard, numbers or formulae. Each cell is located by reference to its column and row.
Cell border
The boundary of a cell or range which may be highlighted with an outline box.
Cell name
A name given to a cell which can be used in formulae or to locate the cell.
Cell reference
The unique description of a cell.
The action of deleting the contents of a cell or range of cells.
The vertical strips of cells which run down the length of a spreadsheet which are sometimes labelled with letters.
Column header
The unique identifier of a column.
Command line
The line on the screen in non-graphics user interface spreadsheet packages which displays the commands when in command mode.
To copy the contents of a cell or range of cells into others to avoid repetitive typing. When copying cell references they are automatically altered to keep in step with the appropriate row or column unless the cell contains an absolute reference.
To delete the contents of a cell or cells and store them in a temporary memory buffer. The contents can be returned to a chosen location of the spreadsheet matrix with the paste command.
Data label
This shows the spreadsheet value from which a category in a pie chart, for example, is calculated.
Descending sort
The sorting of a list with the highest value or highest alphanumeric character first.
Embedded graph
A graphical display which can be stored and manipulated on the screen within the spreadsheet matrix.
A collection of related records.
Fill down
To copy the contents of a cell or row range down a column or columns. When copying cell references they are automatically altered to keep in step with the appropriate row or column unless the cell contains an absolute reference.
Fill right
To copy the contents of a cell or column range across a row or rows. When copying cell references they are automatically altered to keep in step with the appropriate row or column unless the cell contains an absolute reference.
Fill series
To replicate a number, date or formula in a row or column that automatically increases or decreases by specified increments.
A design element that is repeated at the bottom of each page.
A calculation which may include functions, operations or references to other cells.
Font or Fount
A set of characters available in the same typeface, style, size and stroke weight. Although the US spelling, font, is common in documentation, the British spelling is used in this site.
Freeze titles
To lock the top row or rows and or the left most column or columns so that they remain fixed in position on the screen or page as the rest of the screen display is scrolled.
An entity which returns a value. The entity is a key word to denote the function followed by parentheses. Within the parentheses is the argument, often a range of cells, on which the function is to be performed. Some functions do not need arguments but retain the parentheses.
Some spreadsheet applications allow you to display or print the lines which mark out the cells of the matrix.
A piece of text which is repeated at the top of every page.
The descriptive word or words used to describe the contents of ranges of cells.
A key on a graph or chart to tell you what the patterns, colours or markers mean that fill areas of the display.
Live graph
A graphic display which retains the links with the data from which it is derived so that if the data is changed the graph is automatically changed too.
The action of bringing a program or data file into the computer's main memory.
To lock the top row or rows and or the left most column or columns so that they remain fixed in position on the screen or page as the rest of the screen display is scrolled. Can also refer to locking cells to prevent alteration of their contents.
A function which looks up an entry in a reference table and returns either a matching entry or an error code.
A tiny program to automate a task. Macros used to be simply a stored sequence of keystrokes. However, they may now be written in a procedural programming language.
The margins set round the edge of a page, top, bottom, left, right. Within the top margin a header margin can be set and within the bottom margin a footer margin can be set.
Number format
The way in which a number is displayed in a cell. There are a number of common formats such as fixed, currency, comma, percent, leading zeros, true/false, time/date.
Operating system
The program that manages and controls all the main actions of the computer, providing standard interfaces for other programs, hardware and users.
These perform all the basic actions on numbers or characters. There are three basic groups, mathematical (eg +), relational (eg =) and logical (eg AND).
A division of whole of the display which will fit onto the print paper size specified for the file.
Page layout
The layout of the page with regard to features such as margins, headers, footers, page length, page width and page number.
Pasting the contents from a copy or cut action onto the screen at a specified location.
Print preview
This allows you to look at the pages of your spreadsheet as they will appear when they are printed out.
An area of the spreadsheet made up of one or more rows and or one or more columns.
Range name
The name given to a range which can be used in formulae or to locate the range.
Relative reference
A reference to a cell which is relative to the current cell's position.
To repeat or copy the same formula in other cells without altering cell references.
The horizontal strips of cells which run across the width of a spreadsheet which are usually labelled with numbers.
Row header
The unique label of a row, usually a number.
A command that causes a program to be executed.
The action of moving around to view the portions of a spreadsheet when only a part of the spreadsheet is visible on the screen at any one time because of its size.
A utility which allows rows or columns to be put into alphabetical or numerical order.
A computer program which processes text, numbers and formulae stored in a matrix of rows and columns.
Text format
The appearance of text in relation to fount (eg. Times New Roman), fount size (eg. 12 point), fount style (eg. bold) or fount position (eg. subscript).
Tool bar
A bar across the top of a screen display with icon buttons to activate spreadsheet commands using the mouse cursor.
Split screens whereby different files can be viewed at the same time. One window is active at a time.

Contents: Spreadsheets

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