c. Adapting the Resources for Different Learners or Work

This part of the case study follows from what has just been said about evaluation of resources. If a piece of software, a World Wide Web site or a dedicated piece of hardware, software or courseware can be used for more than one group of learners or across more than one area of the subject, it follows that it is more valuable to you in your work.

In the case of my lesson with digital imaging, I have found the techniques learned useful with the same group in other areas of their Design and Technology work. It is simply a matter of spending time with the pupils exploring the options. With other forms of technology, it is possible once the teacher is familiar with the technology and its application to the subject to begin considering application of the range of possible ideas to other areas where similar work needs to take place.

You can apply these ideas across a range of areas within your own aspect of Design and Technology: across groups working at the same level on a range of activities, and across ages of pupils who can work with progressively more complex features of the ICT to show more complex curriculum-based applications. You can imagine using a simple programme or process provided at year nine or eight, then making it do more complex things for KS4 and GCSE. You can also imagine applying the technology to groups working on different activities, and more complex variations on the use of the technology for other groups where complexity is demanded.

With this in mind, think about how you would complete the grid on the following page, and discuss it with your mentor.
