c. Helping Learners Develop their own IT Capability

It is important to identify the IT capability development which is involved in this work, particularly if the implementation is being carried out in groups. Progress can be in terms of routines, techniques, processes or strategies - see Case Study 1, Part 3c.

It is likely that pupils will be at widely differing levels, and techniques which are new for some, will be very familiar to others. It is important for the less capable to practise using the techniques sufficiently in order to feel confident in what they are doing at a detailed level.

This confidence should help them to appreciate the overall process of structuring data hierarchically. If those who are already confident do the work, none of the pupils will learn. The more capable pupils should not see this as a waste of time - they should be developing their higher order skills by planning, monitoring and evaluating the overall process.

Point for Consideration

  • Identify the techniques that contribute to the data structuring process, and which pupils should learn during this work.

d. Assessing Learning